Logging the Changes in the Conversion

In the Conversion scenario, you can log the changes made by the conversion rules in the step Assign conversion rules. You can enable the Log conversion option to record all the changed records for further review.

You can start transaction /DVD/ERP_CONVLOG to review the collected values. If no values have been collected yet, the mapping is displayed.

Fill out the relevant information:

  1. DTS business object: Specifies the DTS business object selection.

  2. DTS run ID: Appears after the DTS business object is entered.

  3. Conversion rule: Appears after DTS run ID is entered. This field is filled automatically if unique.

  4. Two options to choose what values are shown after the execution:

    • From conversion logging: Shows values changed in the conversion. This is possible only if the Log conversion option was enabled for at least one table for the conversion rule entered above.

    • From conversion mapping: Shows the mapping values.

    NOTE If the conversion has not been executed or the Log conversion option was disabled, only the option to view mapping values can be chosen.
  5. Click Confirm.

    A selection screen appears, showing old and new business object values as well as the restriction of the maximum records to be displayed.